Furniture Transport – save up to 60%

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Frequently asked questions

What is Clicktrans?

Can I transport any furniture throughout Europe?

How much does domestic and international furniture transport cost?

I don't have anyone to help me move my furniture. Can I count on this?

How can I protect my furniture for transport?

What should I look for when looking for a furniture transport provider?

How to efficiently and economically organise furniture transport?

Reliable transportation of furniture

Regardless of whether you are planning domestic or international transportation of furniture, you must remember to properly secure it before handing it over to a transport company. Many kitchen, upholstered or even garden furniture has elements that should be dismantled for efficient loading and transportation. Accessories such as stretch foil, tapes and belts will protect the furniture from damage during transportation.

When choosing a moving company that will undertake the transportation of furniture, check the experience of the carrier in this type of job. Transportation pricing will depend on factors such as the weight of the load and the length of the route. Additional fees may also be incurred if you need help with loading or a service with bringing.