Searching by route is very useful when you are looking for partial loads near the route you plan to travel anyway (or on your way back). You can define the distance from the original route that should be considered while searching for listings (depending on how big a detour you are willing to make to pick up an additional load).
Let’s say that you:
-will be travelling on a route between London, UK and Berlin, Germany
-are looking for additional jobs for both this route and the return road
-do not have a tight schedule and therefore can make a detour of up to 50 km from your original route to pick up an additional load.
Below you will find how to set up the search engine to get the results that suit your chosen criteria:
a)Define the pick-up and unloading points (you can use either cities* or postcodes).
*If you want to specify a transit city, just use the “+” sign to add more fields.
b)Define how long the routes should be and how wide a range should be considered during search.
Distance from the route allows you to specify the maximum distance from the original route that you are willing to travel to pick up an additional job.
Minimum length allows you to exclude jobs that are too short for your liking (for example within the same city).
c)Tick the box to include the results for the return route.