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About Clicktrans
How Clicktrans works
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Why is it safer to order transport with Clicktrans?
My Account
How can I register?
I didn't get the account activation link
I lost / forgot my password
How can I edit my profile?
How can I delete my account?
Listing Items
How can I receive quotes?
What items can I list?
How can I list an item?
Unsure of dimensions
Adding photos - why do it?
Delivery details
I don’t know the exact address
How can I edit listings?
How can I receive more quotes?
Promoted listing / urgent
How can I remove my listings?
How can I list the same item again?
Quick Deal - how it works?
Who can accept a Quick Deal?
Who sets the dates for Quick Deals?
How many quotes will I receive?
When will I receive my first quotes?
Received quotes
What do icons and numbers next to usernames mean?
How can I decline quotes?
Can I request a quote from a transport provider?
Contact with Transport Provider
How do I contact the transport provider?
Worth asking before accepting the quote
Contact information policy
Why am I not allowed to contact the transport provider directly?
Quote Acceptance
Accepting quotes
Do I have to accept the cheapest quote?
What do I do after accepting the quote?
Transport provider’s contact details
How can I provide feedback?
Pachete promoționale