How do I contact the transport provider?

1) When you receive a quote from a transport provider:

When you receive a quote from a transport provider you can send them a message by clicking Send message on the selected quote’s page.

Apart from information regarding price and delivery dates, it’s worth making additional arrangements.
If the transport provider hasn’t provided the below details, it’s worth asking about:

  • insurance
  • type of transport
  • how your items will be secured
  • help with packing, unpacking and transportation

2) When you get a question from a transport provider

Transport providers can ask you questions regarding the delivery and your expectations regarding the transportation before placing the bid.

To display such questions, click on your listing and on a transport provider in the Interested couriers section. To reply to a chosen message directly to the transport provider’s inbox, click ‘Reply’. This will help you both agree on transportation conditions.

3) When you accepted the quote

You will receive contact details of the selected transport provider by e-mail. Contact details are also available after logging in.