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How much does it cost to transport a car within the EU?

You spent hours on scrolling through thousands of car offers. When you find a deal that meets all your requirements and you think you can finally breath a sigh of relief – well, it turns out you can’t. Sometimes you are not able to collect your car yourself or a pick-up location is far away from where you live or you simply want to import a car, you need to sort it out somehow.

The easiest way is to find transport provider who will do that for you. In this article I will give you a look into costs of car transport within the UK and between the UK and selected EU countries.

How to transport a car?

The price may differ depending on the pick-up and delivery locations, lenght of the route, city and type of  vehicle that is about to be moved. The most important thing is to find a company that is already taking the same route your car needs to go. If this transport provider has a free space on the trailer, it’s a real bargain for you and for that company. They reduce empty runs and therefore are able to give you a good quote.

The prices can be 30-60% lower thanks to this. Below you will find the cost breakdown of car transport offers. Note, that we analysed only single car transport offers.

Craving for some more tips on transport costs? Go to our Twitter profile @Clicktrans_com. In the meantime read on and get yourself familiar with the car transport costs within the EU.

Cost of car transport

Within the UK

We analysed car transport offers of single cars being transported on different routes within the UK.

The average cost is  136 £ 

Generally, the longer the route the lower the price per mile. Transport cost depends also on the weight of your delivery and any special requiremets you may have, like transport equipment, means of transport.

UK to Germany

What is the cost of transporting your car from Germany to the UK? Of course it depends on the length of the route, but to give you an overall look, the prices vary between 342 – 600 £.

The average cost is  487£  

UK to France

The prices are slightly lower when transporting a car to France than to Germany. You can expect to pay between 256 -555 £ for such service.

The average cost is  450£  

UK to Italy

Italy is the most expensive out of the locations already mentioned above. You should expect to pay between 560-1000 £ depending on the route and shipping requirements.

The average cost is  755 £  

UK to other EU countries

Is Belgium your delivery location ? If so you need to expect to pay between 300 – 650 £. If Poland is the destination country you may need to factor in the average cost of 800  £.

Ship your car with transport provider

There are many ways for transporting your car within your coutry or abroad. Transport companies need to trump over (funny expression to use these days, isn’t it?) the other to give the best quotes and truly exeptional service.

It’s great to have all of them gathered in one place – online marketplace to be more specific. When you use online transport marketplace like Clicktrans you get an overall look at what transport providers really offer. You list your car, choose pick-up and delivery locations and dates (or leave it blank if you prefer flexible dates)


Below you can find sample online transport auctions:

Car transport from Glasgow to Cracow

Car transport from Malaga to Murcia

Car transport from Zurich to Wroclaw


Would you like to get quotes for car transport? Click on the link below >>



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9 Responses

  1. Bharat Shahane says:

    Informative and useful, I’m sure. Thank you!

  2. Prince Ayo Adewole says:

    Very useful information

  3. Stella Morgan says:

    Nice Post. Thanks for sharing.

  4. James Borst says:

    I like your recommendation to find a company that is already going where you need to bring your car. My wife and I are considering bringing our car with us during the summer this year but we don’t want to drive it ourselves. We may also consider private car transportation instead so we don’t have to worry about driving in a foreign area.

  5. Tristan says:

    Great article illustrating some fair points around vehicle transportation

  6. Oversize Loads NZ says:

    Wonderful information about how much does it cost to transport a car within the eu, thanks a lot for sharing kind of content with us. Your blog gives the best and the most interesting information. I wonder if we can gather such practical information about it, a great post definitely to come across.

  7. Hamza says:

    I want to bring a car from Germany salvage and bring it back when I fixe do it

    Could you do that kinda job

    I dnt want the vehicle to be registered in the Uk I just want to fix it and bring back to my client

    The person that can do this is only a European recovery not a Uk driver because they will charge you the taxes becomes of import duties . But the European driver will not be asked because I want my cars to gus o back to Germany

  1. 31st January 2017

    […] Would you like to transport your car within Europe? If you are wondering how much it will cost, go to our blog post to find out: […]

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