User profile

Dariusz G. (0) User ID: 594791

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Member since 27-07-2017

Recent listings:

Transport Car
Transport from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Transport to Warsaw, Poland

Termin odbioru elastyczny

Transport Car
Transport from Warsaw, Poland
Transport to Bremerhaven, Germany

Bede towarzyszl w podrozy do Bremerhaven.

Transport Car
Transport from Warsaw, Poland
Transport to Bremerhaven, Germany

1. Właścicel auta bedzie tez jechal z transportem do Portu w Bremerhaven. Wymiary wysokosc 2,75 Dlugosc 4,50 Szerokosc...

Transport Car
Transport from Warsaw, Poland
Transport to Bremerhaven, Germany

Musze byc obecny przy zaladunku I rozladunku auta, prosze to wziac pod uwage