User profile

Genowefa . (0) User ID: 4954

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Member since 10-04-2012

Recent listings:

Transport Motorcycle
Transport from Cologne, Germany
Transport to Chełmno, Poland
Transport Motorcycle
Transport from Köln, Germany
Transport to Chełmno, Poland

Chetnie zlece rowniez i przywiezienie motocykla z powrotem.

Transport Motorcycle
Transport from Cologne, Germany
Transport to Chełmno, Poland

Motocykl musi wrocic do Nimiec po jakichs dwoch tygodniach:) W zawiazku z tym licze na akcje rabatowa:)

Transport Motorcycle
Transport from Cologne, Germany
Transport to Chełmno, Poland

Motocykl trzeba przewiezc do Polski i po trzech tygodniach z powrotem do Niemiec