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33M euro in transport jobs completed annually
In the market since 2010
3M listings
49k verified transport providers
Good website to find transport
Ebay of transport services. Great idea, good implementation, very good selection of verified vendors.
Excellent! A definite recommendation for outstanding professional service.
Great way to find professional transport services.
On one transport saved more than 1000 euros!
Clicktrans saved me a lot of money and time. I just hope that they had explained the whole process after the transport is accepted a bit more, but still this is a great service.
Excellent service, I was very wary about using any transporting service as it requires alot of trust. This site ensures you get the service that you expect
Excellent service, I was very wary about using any transporting service as it requires alot of trust. This site ensures you get the service that you expect
Great service provided by click trans, went with pretty much my first offers and both turned out exceptional. saves so much time searching through various websites and able to read reviews and make an assured decision. fantastic, will absolutely use again
I was very skeptical and unsure here when I started out, but boy, this place really did surprise me pleasantly. The price, response and the quality of transport service is quick and reliable.
I found this site very useful and easy to use. I got a response almost immediately and the driver i used was fabulous. I would definitely recommend using their services if you are looking for this kind of job
Good website to find transport
Ebay of transport services. Great idea, good implementation, very good selection of verified vendors.
Excellent! A definite recommendation for outstanding professional service.
Great way to find professional transport services.
On one transport saved more than 1000 euros!
Clicktrans saved me a lot of money and time. I just hope that they had explained the whole process after the transport is accepted a bit more, but still this is a great service.
Excellent service, I was very wary about using any transporting service as it requires alot of trust. This site ensures you get the service that you expect
Excellent service, I was very wary about using any transporting service as it requires alot of trust. This site ensures you get the service that you expect
Great service provided by click trans, went with pretty much my first offers and both turned out exceptional. saves so much time searching through various websites and able to read reviews and make an assured decision. fantastic, will absolutely use again
I was very skeptical and unsure here when I started out, but boy, this place really did surprise me pleasantly. The price, response and the quality of transport service is quick and reliable.
I found this site very useful and easy to use. I got a response almost immediately and the driver i used was fabulous. I would definitely recommend using their services if you are looking for this kind of job
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