Company specialized in the transport of vehicles. We have several routes in Europe, offering our customers a fast and reliable service, vehicles are transported, never driven. Totally safe.
If there are specific requirements such as data fixes, first confirm our availability before accepting a quote. Otherwise, if you wish, we accept your shipping quote and agree to work together.
Thanks best regards.
Certificate of Professional Competences in International Transport of Goods
Valid until 2029-11-17
Clicktrans has verified the above documents, but cannot be held liable for their authenticity and validity.
In terms of Carrier Liability Insurance, Clicktrans has verified the policy document and validity period. However, the insurance cover and validity can only be verified by the insurance company agent.
Favourite routes
1x Mini van
Capacity up to 3.5 t.
3x Car transporter/ Carriage
Capacity up to 6 t.
1x Car transporter/ Carriage
Capacity over 24 t.
1x Mini van
Capacity up to 1.5 t.
3x Transit van (delivery van)
Capacity up to 3.5 t.
1x Car transporter/ Carriage
Capacity up to 12 t.
All information has been entered by the transport provider. Clicktrans is not responsible for the accuracy.