
Clicktrans charges transport providers a success fee. The fee is added only when your quote is accepted.

As a transport provider using Clicktrans:
  • you are only charged when you get jobs: the fee is added only to completed transactions
  • you don’t pay in advance: you are not required to pay anything for using Clicktrans unless you get customers and actually earn money on jobs
  • you are not charged any fixed fees (there is no plan)
  • you have free access to the listings database (daily notifications about new listings)
  • you can quote without any limits.
The fees are calculated as follows:

Success fees for listings in EUR currency
Success fees for listings in PLN currency

You can quote and conclude transactions in currencies other than the default currency of your Clicktrans account. In such cases, the success fee will be calculated in your default currency based on the rate as of the previous business day stated by the National Bank of Poland. Your invoice will be issued in the default currency of your Clicktrans account.

You can check your current balance and payment history under My account> Payments.